Think Big, Then Think Even Bigger!


Most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that you need to think big to achieve your dreams. But why must you think big, what does thinking big have to do with success?

I thought it would be worthwhile unpacking the success principle of thinking big.

Think Big vs Think Small

Entrepreneurs who achieve great success all have something in common, the ability to think big. Whether you are an eCommerce entrepreneur or your business plans are tied to a physical business you need to master the art of thinking big.

Achieving success requires that you take action towards your goals. And herein lies a clue as to why you have to think big to achieve success.

Throughout his book, ‘The 10X Rule’ Grant Cardone talks about taking massive action if you want to achieve anything in life. Most people seriously underestimate the amount of action it takes to be successful.

If you think small, if you set realistic-looking average-sized goals, the action steps you work out in your plans are going to be small reasonable, average-sized actions.

At best you are going to achieve average success but more likely you will fall short of success because even small goals require more action and effort than you realise.

When you think big when you set huge, almost impossible looking goals you are going to force yourself to work out much bigger actions and exert far more effort.

The more action and effort you direct towards a goal the more likely you are to achieve it.

Thinking big is how you inspire action and effort, thinking small is rather uninspiring and whoever heard of a successful entrepreneur who attributed their success to thinking small!

If you aim big, if your dreams, your goals, your vision are huge and inspire you to take massive action and exert more effort than those around you then you will achieve success and even if you still fall short of your goals you most certainly will achieve success beyond that of those who set small realistic goals.

As success always takes more effort than you think, it is then worth thinking big and then thinking even bigger before you set out the actions and efforts you will take in your strategy and tactical planning.

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